Let’s move our bodies together in a fun way and go to the HIGH UNDER THE SKY HIGH FITNESS POP UP EVENT with AC Coach Gentree, Kacee, & Bri! We will have fun, sweat, smile, move our body to the best beats and choreography, and sculpt all our muscles. The first 10 people who SIGN UP HERE, we will pay for your $20 ticket to attend the event!
60 Minute FUN HIGH FITNESS Class led by Melissa Zurcher and co-owner Emily Nelson.
We will meet at 5pm to carpool and have a HIGH Party Train from Target in Smokey Point all the way to the event in Redmond! You can join this if you want or meet us there! We plan on being to the event by 6:30pm.
The theme is “Roaring 20’s!” Think black & gold, sequins & stars! We are excited to dress up with you enjoy this fun event!
We look forward to enjoying a fun HIGH FITNESS night together!
If you want more HIGH FITNESS FUN sign up for an AC ON DEMAND Subscription and enjoy HIGH FITNESS at our AC RETREAT led by AC Coach Gentree & Kacee.
Marymoor Park: 6046 West Lake Sammamish Parkway Northeast Redmond, WA 98052
Please SIGN UP HERE to get your ticket paid for by ATHLEISURE COLLECTIVE, to carpool with us, and to meet us there!
We will send you all the details once you sing up!