5 Ways to Mindfully Move... Even On a Busy Day!

We know you get busy… whether it’s fun festivities, running errands, a full work day, a day with the kids and family, or something else that fills your day! We also know how important it is to invest in yourself by Mindfully Moving — even when you are busy! You know how good it feels to add this positivity into your life… so here are some ways that will help you squeeze in a workout on a busy day!

Take An Early Morning Yoga Class

Taking a Yoga Class first thing in the morning can be just the thing to start your day off in a positive and productive way! Many Yogi’s believe that the Yogic Hour is the hour just before sunrise which offers the perfect opportunity to meditate, set intentions, and get moving in whatever way feels best for your body!

Get Going With A Mid-Morning Jog Or Walk

Is it only 10am and you’ve already taken the kids to school, started your work day, or checked a few things off of your to-do list? Perfect! That means it’s time for a mid-morning jog or walk to keep your mind and body going. Getting your jog or walk in early is the best way to get your endorphins activated for a focused and enjoyable rest of your day! Take a mind break and be in the moment or you can take a work call during your walk or even listen to a podcast.

Stay Active During Lunch

There are many options to stay active during lunch! You could take an in person Cycle Class, go on a walk around your neighborhood or workplace, subscribe to AC ON DEMAND and take a 15 or 30 minute class of your choice, do some chores around the house, turn on some music and dance, walk up and down the stairs a few times, go on a bike ride, and so much more!

Mid-Day Stretch Break

Get your blood pumping and the circulation moving by adding in a few stretches to your daily routine. This is a fun one because the kids, your co-workers, or friends can get involved too! Ask whoever is near to engage in some healthy and deep nourishing stretches with you! If you need tips we’ve got several options when you log on to AC ON DEMAND! We have everything from written stretch guides, stretching you can do in a chair at your desk, and more!

Enjoy Some Evening Movement

There are so many possibilities for moving your body in the evening! If you enjoy spending time with family, go on an evening walk or jog together. If you crave a little you-time then take an evening class or go to an event at the AC RETREAT. There are several class options each week like Sculpt Circuit, Yoga, Barre Sculpt, HIIT, HIGH Fitness, HIIT & Flow, and more! It’s always fun connecting with community and family while making your health a priority!




Let’s keep adding positivity to our lives and the world by investing in being our healthiest, happiest, and best self by mindfully moving… even on a busy day!

Add Positivity To The World!
— Athleisure collective