High quality Essential Oils that are great for you and look as incredible as they smell!
See below for additional info and all the details about these essential oils.
MARBLE CLEAN - Smells like a fresh and clean beautiful home with sparky marble floors. Ingredients: Lemon, Eucalyptus, Pine. Scent: Pine forest, lemon, fresh, sharp, pure, and clean.
Add 5-8 drops in a diffuser to clean the air and add a fresh clean, crisp aroma to your home.
Add a few drops to a spray bottle, with some castile soap, fill with water, spray in the kitchen and bathrooms to clean and purify your home.
DUVET SLEEP - Feels like laying on a beautiful fluffy bed full of sweet-smelling petals. Ingredients: Lavender, Frankincense, Ylang Ylang, Vanilla Absolute. Scent: Lavender field, sweet, creamy, soft, and luxurious.
Add 5 drops to a diffuser before bed for a relaxed night of sleep.
Add to a bottle with water for a beautiful linen spray to calm, relax and induce sleep.
Add a few drops to some Epsom salt and add to a bath before bed to relax for a deeper night's sleep.
LAVENDER - Smells like a fresh field of sweet lavender flowers. Blends With: Bergamot, Citronella, Clary Sage, Geranium, Lemon, Orange, Palmarosa, Pine, Thyme, Rosemary, and Ylang-ylang. Scent: Floral yet not overpowering, fresh, sweet, invigorating, and lovely. GC/MS Report
Add 5-8 drops to a diffuser for better sleep or for a calming and relaxing environment.
Great for skin nourishment, add a few drops to a carrier oil or to your current beauty products.
Add a few drops to the diffuser while drawing a bath for a relaxing therapeutic bath
PEPPERMINT - Smells like sweet mint candy. Blends Well: Basil, Bergamot, Eucalyptus, Lemon, Marjoram, Pine, Rosemary, and Thyme. Scent: Sweet, intensely minty, cooling, delicious, and stimulating. GC/MS Report
Add 5-8 drops in your diffuser
Add a few drops to your shampoo to stimulate the scalp
Use in a blend with Lemongrass to help with muscle soreness.
Add a few drops in a spray bottle and spray around your home to repel insects.
CHAI COZY - Like enjoying a spicy cup of sweet chai tea on a chilly day. Ingredients: Orange, Cinnamon, Cardamom, Coriander, Clove, Nutmeg, Black Pepper, Ginger, Vanilla absolute. Scent: Sweet, spicy, grounding, warm, calming, and enchanting.
Use 5 drops in a diffuser for a cozy feeling, to spice up your home, and to increase your overall well-being.
Emotionally CHAI is grounding, it invigorates and stimulates the mind.
Add to a hot cup of water with a speck of honey for a seasonal boost, and to help support a healthier digestive tract.
Add a drop to your cup of coffee or tea for an added spicy flavor.
BREEZE FRESHEN - Feels like standing by an open window with a strong fresh breeze. Ingredients: Ravintsara, Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Marjoram, Laurel leaf, Cardamom, Lemon, Tea tree, Wintergreen. Scent: Fresh, minty, clean, sharp, and invigorating
Add 5-8 drops to a diffuser to help create a fresh clean aroma in your home
Use 1 drop in a facial steamer to help open and clean the lungs.
Meant to be used to help us breathe when we feel stress and anxiety while supporting expansion and creativity
EUCALYPTUS - Smells like walking into a luxurious wellness spa. Blends With: Basil, Citronella, Ginger, Lavender, Lemon, Frankincense, and Tea Tree. Scent: Medicinal, herbaceous, minty, deeply stimulating, and powerful. GC/MS Report
Add 5-8 drops to your diffuser to convert your home to a spa
Add a few drops to a diffuser for easier breathing.
Use 1 drop in a facial steam to aid congestion.
LEMON - Smells like a fresh sweet lemonade stand. Blends With: Bergamot, Eucalyptus, Fennel, Orange, and Frankincense. Scent: Lemony, sweet, fresh, strong, and pleasant. GC/MS Report
Add 5-8 drops in a diffuser to improve concentration and uplift spirits
Add a few drops to water for a fresh good flavor and cleansing support.
Add 10 drops to a spray bottle for a surface cleaner.
Add a few drops of lemon oil to a cotton ball to remove unwanted sticky residue, crayon, pen, or marker stains.
GRAPEFRUIT - Smells like a fresh cut sweet grapefruit. Blends With: Other citrus oils, Rosemary, Cypress, Lavender, Geranium, and in general most spice oils. Scent: Sweet, grapefruit, light yet strong, citrusy, and fresh. GC/MS Report
Diffuse 5 drops in a diffuser to create positive uplifting energy and a balanced mood.
Add a drop or 2 to a quart of water to flavor and help boost the metabolism.
Mix with ½ cup coconut oil, ½ cup brown sugar, and up to 20 drops of essential oil for a body scrub.
LOUNGE UNWIND - Feels like you are in a magical forest with fresh-smelling pine trees. Ingredients: Bergamot, Juniper Berry, Fir Balsam Absolute. Scent: Sweet pine, forest, musky, soothing, and relaxing with hints of citrus.
Use 5 drops in a diffuser to create a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere.
Use in a roller bottle with a carrier oil of choice and apply to skin for a natural perfume.
It helps one let go of tension and feel more stable, this is beneficial to our overall well-being.
ORANGE - Smells like a sweet orange orchard. Blends With: Lavender, Bergamot, Lemon, Clary Sage, Myrrh, Nutmeg, Cinnamon Bark, and Clove Bud. Scent: Fresh Orange, sweet like candy, zesty, and tangy. GC/MS Report
Add 5-7 drops to a diffuser for a sweet citrusy scent and a positive and happy atmosphere.
Add a couple of drops to a quart of water for a digestive boost and added flavor.
Add a couple of drops to a facial cream for softer tighter skin.
MANTLE FLAME - Smells like you entered a spice market with fresh orange peels hung out to dry. Ingredients: Clove, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus, Lemon, Blood Orange, Rosemary, and Copaiba. Scent: Spicy mix, warm, soothing, sweet orange, energizing, and uplifting.
Use 5 drops in a diffuser to cleans the air.
Use in the morning to help boost awareness
Use in after cleaning the house to add that finishing touch
LEMONGRASS - Smells like its name, Lemon and Grass infused with a sweetness. Blends Well: Pine, Thyme, Lavender, Rosemary, Marjoram, Cedarwood, and Lemon. Scent: Sweet, citrusy, herbal, earthy, fresh, and a little minty.
Add 5-8 drops to the diffuser to freshen the air
Diffuse before drawing a bath to create your own personal spa
Therapeutic aroma to help relieve stress
***IMPORTANT - All Shades of Nature essential oil products are for external use only, unless otherwise indicated. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Consult your doctor if pregnant, have high blood pressure or other chronic illness before use. Cautions: Dilute before use, for external use only. Contact with eyes should be avoided. May cause skin irritation in some individuals, a skin test is recommended prior to use.