Spring Equinox Rituals to Inspire You This Spring

Spring is a time to set intentions and goals, prepare for all of the exciting things that warmer weather brings, and continue moving in ways that feel good to YOU! With the daylight hours getting longer there is more time to do all of the things that you love. It’s important to gain clarity in what this season means for you by practicing your own rituals and routines for Spring! This can be as simple as switching your daily hot cup of coffee to and iced coffee or matcha, using a Spring forward scent in your home such as orange or lavender essential oils, or doing some deep Spring cleaning! Whatever it is that you like to do to signify Spring, we are here for it!


The Spring Solstice or Equinox, is the day we experience a balance of the day and the night with equal amounts of light and dark. It is when we begin coming out of the darkness of winter, of hibernation, and of rest. We have stored up our energies to burst forth and become more active. The increased light tells all of the Earth to blossom. That’s the scientist in me!

There is a newness and a freshness around us. Flowers bloom, trees bud, and birds begin to sing. For me, it is a celebration of life, rebirth, and renewal. I love having more time to spend outside as the weather improves! Even now, my forsythia plant is beginning to bloom it’s bright yellow flowers and just yesterday, I heard a robin sing.  

It is a time to set new intentions with renewed energy and get my body moving more. I also enjoy a little extra time with self-care because with all of this energy, I tend to get overworked. I am being more conscious of listening to the needs of my body rather than jumping in at full speed. Spring is a time of celebrating the freshness of life and of taking the time to raise our energy and manifest our dreams!


There are several rituals and practices that I like to incorporate around the Spring Equinox. It is a time when I feel more alive, busier, and inspired!

One of my favorite ways to prepare for Spring is by re-arranging my space. I will often move furniture around, add new art to my walls, and switch out my muted winter color schemes for vibrant accents. Doing this helps to de-clutter and allows room for new thoughts and inspiration to arrive.

After preparing my space, I like to focus on what fuels me for Spring. Adjusting my skincare routine to something that works well for the Spring/Summer months is where I like to start. I then will adjust what I’m eating on a daily basis to incorporate more fresh produce. I like to make smoothies, salads, and garnish all of my hot dishes with fresh veggies and herbs!

Another ritual I incorporate is intention setting. I like to create a new Spring centered yoga & meditation practice that allows space for intention setting and growth. Movement, as well as allowing space, are equally valuable around this time of year. We are moving from a quiet and internally reflective season to a bright and awakening season. This is something that should be honored and celebrated!


Spring Equinox brings with it so many gifts! The excitement of new beginnings, the opportunity for a fresh start, and the beauty of new growth. Here in the PNW we can feel everyone’s joy when we get the gift of more light in our days!

In my personal Spring Equinox ritual, I love to get outside for a balancing yoga practice, a gratitude and growth meditation, get my hands in the dirt by planting some seeds with a positive intention of hope and possibility, and share a fresh and healthy meal. Spring brings with it a playful spirit. I like to plan something fun!

The Equinox is also such a great time to check in with ourselves. Let’s embrace the the light, bloom, and grow together!

We hope you have the best Spring and find the perfect way to celebrate this season! If you want more inspiration, we have so many amazing events and community activities that you can include as part of your Spring rituals!

With Love,


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