The Benefits Of Prenatal Yoga Shared By Our Coach Jodie!
The benefits of Prenatal Yoga often overlap with the general benefits of Yoga, however, there is more and more scientific evidence of the positive effects of Yoga during pregnancy! This is what makes it such a supportive and complimentary form of movement for your growing body. Whether you are a long time yogi or just starting out, Prenatal Yoga is designed to unite and prepare you mentally, physically, and emotionally for this incredible journey of pregnancy!
“The rhythm of the body, the melody of the mind, and the harmony of the soul create the symphony of life.”
Benefits of Prenatal Yoga That Support The Expecting Mother!
Supports the accelerated pace of your changing body with safe ways to improve flexibility and strengthen you physically.
Guides you to tune into your body and to learn to trust your intuitive wisdom and find your inner strength.
Promotes the sacred bond and connection between you and your growing baby.
Helps ease common pregnancy discomforts, creates healthy circulation, and improves sleep.
Yogic breathing (pranayama) stimulates your para sympathetic nervous system, helping to promote a calm pregnancy and prepare for a calm and relaxing delivery.
Helps prepare your body for labor and delivery with a focus on hips, pelvic floor, and abdominal (transverse) muscles, also preparing you for post delivery recovery.
Honor Your Body!
If at anytime a posture is not comfortable, modify the intensity of the posture and return to a space of relief, take a break, or use restorative movement, like Childs pose. Breaks are encouraged!
Stay hydrated and pause your practice anytime to sip water.
Be mindful of the hormone Relaxin in your body which helps support healthy growth but can make it possible to over stretch. Even when it feels so good, a safe guideline is to only take your stretches to about 70% of their maximum to avoid injury.
If you feel lightheaded or dizzy find Childs Pose and discontinue your practice for the day.
Create Space!
Make sure you have a comfortable space with enough room to move your arms around you, and be able to kick your legs behind you.
Widen your stance to provide more space for your beautiful growing belly and also to provide more stability and balance to accommodate a changing center of gravity.
Utilize props like blocks, cushions, bolsters, blankets, and a chair or counter to lift yourself up. These props avoid putting pressure on your uterus and provides extra comfort. You deserve it!
General Prenatal Modifications!
Although each trimester comes with its own changes there are a few simple adjustments to bring with you into your prenatal practice.
Avoid overheating or hot yoga.
Avoid deep twists and deep forward folds or compression on your uterus. Use an open gentle twist, and widen your stance to “baby width” to make room for your growing belly.
After week 16, avoid laying directly on your back (supine).
Take a break from dramatic inversions like head, hand, forearm, or shoulder stands.
And of course, Mama’s intuition always rules, if it doesn’t feel right, don’t do it!
Prenatal Yoga gives you the opportunity to nurture yourself and your growing baby. At AC we are passionate about providing a caring and supportive community for Pre and Postnatal mom’s and are honored to be a part of your pregnancy journey. Join in our AC ON DEMAND Prenatal Yoga classes and let us know if you are expecting so that our experienced Yoga Coaches can share modifications with you in our AC Classes.
“Add Positivity To The World!”